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Observations at Local Time: 11:15 on 19 March 2021. Forecast: Partly cloudy with little temperature change.

Temperature and Humidity
Current Temperature 44.8 °F Current Humidity 94%
Today's High Temperature 46.8 °F Today's High Humidity 95%
Time of Today's High Temperature 00:03 Time of Today's Highest Humidity 00:00
Today's Low Temperature 44.5 °F Today's Low Humidity 94%
Time of Today's Low Temperature 08:33 Time of Today's Lowest Humidity 08:29
Yesterday's High Temperature 55.5 °F  Yesterday's High Humidity 95%
Yesterday's Low Temperature 42.0 °F  Yesterday's Low Humidity 64%
Current Indoor Temperature 63.9 °F  Current Indoor Humidity 33%
Rainfall Today 0.08 in Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall This Month 1.68 in Rainfall This Year 11.86 in
Rainfall Last Hour 0.00 in Last rainfall 2021-03-19 04:37
Wind Speed (gust) 0.0 mph Wind Speed (avg) 0.0 mph
Wind Bearing 0° --- Beaufort F0 Calm
Barometer  30.218 in Rising 0.003 in/hr
Dawn 06:42 Sunrise 07:09
Dusk 19:41 Sunset 19:15
Daylight 12:59 Day length 12:06
Moonrise 10:31 Latitude N 39° 04' 23"
Moonset 00:30 Longitude W 121° 01' 27"
Moon Phase Waxing Crescent Elevation 1890 ft

:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends


Page updated 3/19/2021 11:15:00 AM. Pages served by Cumulus. Version 1.9.4 (1097)
The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight
Pages are updated every 15 minutes
Rosefield Park Weather Station, Grass Valley, California
Station Hardware: Davis Vantage Pro2

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